May 15, 2023 Japan’s “Green (Transformation)-Washing” strategy, explained. Through its new “Green Transformation” (GX) strategy, Japan is promoting fossil gas as a transition fuel and is...
October 6, 2022 Youth Climate Strikes: People over profit Youth and frontline activists across Bangladesh organized actions as part of the Global Climate Strike on September 23, 2022, with...
November 18, 2020 A Green New Deal for Bangladesh Must Exclude Gas In June this year, Bangladesh’s Power Minister Nurul Hamid made a surprising announcement when he said that the government is...
July 29, 2020 Plastic pollution and the climate crisis Have you ever wondered how the plastic pollution crisis is directly connected to the fossil fuel industry and to the...
March 6, 2020 3 women, 1 small town in Ukraine and an almighty fight to stop gas Until recently the small town of Merefa was best known locally for its beautiful church and as the location of...
February 11, 2020 Europe – Where’s the Common Interest in new fossil gas? On Wednesday, MEPs will vote to decide whether or not to adopt a list of ‘Projects of Commons Interest’ —...
October 11, 2019 Gothenburg: A big win for the fossil gas resistance This is a guest post by the local group Fossilgasfällan who launched their campaign against the Gothenburg terminal in early...
December 14, 2018 Schools out: striking students build momentum for disruption in 2019 Today, thousands of German students are striking across at least fourteen cities as part of a global climate strike, they...
October 17, 2018 An activist walks into a bank… Since the IPCC released its 1.5°C report and as part of the #GasdownFrackdown last weekend, activists have been targeting banks...
September 7, 2018 Code Rood – building community power To an outsider Groningen feels so stereotypically Dutch. The houses quaint with big windows inviting the outside in. Immaculate lush...